Our Publications

11th Fenix Congress: Publications
The 11th Fenix Congress focuses interexilic relations between women from European origin who are exiled in Latin America due to different conflicts and totalitarian regimes in the Europe of the mid 20th-century such as the Spanish War, WWII, the Franco regime, the nazi regime, or the Soviet regime in the Eastern Bloc. The studies of…
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10th Fenix Congress: Publications
The 10th Fenix Congress focused on alliances forged by Spanish women intellectuals – writers, artists, actresses – in exile during Franco’s dictatorship. The studies of this congress are published in the 15th Special Issue of the Fenix Network: Women, Letters, Alliances: Epistolary Relationships of the Spanish Exile, in the journal Romance Quarterly (vol. 70, Issue 2, 2023). The…
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9th Fenix Congress: Publications
This Special Issue focuses on the mechanisms that underlie the formation of communities and interpersonal connections of Spanish women intellectuals and artists in exile between 1939 and 1975. To understand these mechanisms, we rely on the notion of ‘responsibility’ (Levinas, Nussbaum, Cruz).
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8th Fenix Congress: Publications
The 8th Fenix-congress (2022) zooms in on Jewish-Latin American and Spanish-Latin American women writers and their search for identity. The results of this congress are published in three Special Issues, the 11th, 12th, and 13th Special Issue of the Fenix Network. The 13th Special Issue, Women’s perspectives on the Jewish and Spanish exiles that Mexico brought together (Miradas femeninas…
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7th Fenix Congress: Publications
The 7th Fenix encounter (2021), Teresa of Avila: Exploring the diverse paths of a polysemic model of femininity (1936-1986)/ Teresa de Avila: Rutas de un modelo polisémico de feminidad (1936-1986), explores the varied influences exerted by Teresa of Avila, during the Franco period and the transition, on Spanish women artists and intellectuals, both in Spain and in exile. The participating…
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6th Fenix Congress: Publications
The 6th Fenix encounter (2021), Networks and Routes of Spanish women in Argentinian exile/ Redes y Rutas de mujeres españolas en el exilio argentino (1939-1975), puts the spotlight on the networking strategies elaborated by Spanish women exiles in Argentina. The participating Fenix-members analyze the cross-border contacts, networks, and routes developed by the first generation of Spanish…
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5th Fenix Congress: Publications
The 5th Fenix congress (2020) reflects on the ethics of exile literature and gives a central place to the concept of “nonconformism”. As a case study, this meeting focuses on the transgression of the established norms in second generation exile Angelina Muñiz Huberman’s oeuvre. The results of this encounter are published in the 8th Special…
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4th Fenix Congress: Publications
The fourth Fenix congress (2019) highlights the experiences of Spanish women refugees during transit in France in the 1930s and 40s. The reflection revolves around the concepts of ‘Agency’ and ‘Transnationalism’. The results of this encounter are published in the 7th Special Issue of the Fenix Network: The female face of refugee transit: Spanish Women…
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3rd Fenix Congress: PUBLICATIONS
The third Fenix-Congress (2018), Spanish Exile and Italian Immigration in Argentina (1930-1976): Gender, Politics, and Culture reflects on women refugees’ and migrants’ experiences in Argentina. This third Fenix congress aims at gendering the image of Spanish exile and Italian migration in Argentina. The results of this congress are published as a series of 4 Special Issues (the…
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2nd Fenix Congress: PUBLICATIONS
The second Fenix-Congress (2016), Escritoras españolas en el exilio mexicano: una perspectiva transgeneracional adopts a transgenerational and gendered perspective on the Spanish exile in Mexico. The Fenix-members discuss and compare the strategies used by first and second generation exiles to construct their identity in between two home countries with the strategies used by the second generation of…
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1st Fenix Congress: PUBLICATIONS
The first Fenix-Congress (2015), Writing the Hybrid self: the daughters of the Spanish exile (1975 – 2015), focuses on Spanish women in Latin American exile of the second generation who question the borders of traditional literary genres in their writing. The result of this first Fenix-collaboration is the Special Issue Escribir en Nepantla (Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, vol. 44,…
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