FENIX: Network for Research on Women Exiles & Migrants. Founder and Coordinator: Eugenia Helena Houvenaghel (Utrecht)

Our Publications

6th Fenix Congress: Publications

The 6th Fenix encounter (2021), Networks and Routes of Spanish women in Argentinian exile/ Redes y Rutas de mujeres españolas en el exilio argentino (1939-1975), puts the spotlight on the networking strategies elaborated by Spanish women exiles in Argentina. The participating Fenix-members analyze the cross-border contacts, networks, and routes developed by the first generation of Spanish women exiles in Argentina. The results of this Fenix encounter are published in the 9th Special Issue of the Fenix Network, Redes y Rutas femeninas del exilio español in Argentina in the journal Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana (2022, vol. 51).