Our Calls

11th Fenix Congress: Call for Papers
Forging a Space of one’s own: Networks of European Women Intellectuals in Latin American Exile (1933-1989) During the mid-twentieth century, Europeans found themselves compelled to flee the continent due to armed conflicts and totalitarian regimes. Among these displaced individuals, women intellectuals remained in obscurity for many years, only recently gaining recognition. Thus, we propose to…
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10th Fenix Congress: Call for Papers
Convocatoria/Call 10th FENIX CONGRESS Women, Letters, Alliances: Epistolary Relations of the Spanish Exile (1939-1975) After the Spanish War (1936-1939) and throughout Franco’s dictatorship (1939-1975), correspondence via private letters remained one of the key media of communication bridging the distances between the Spanish intellectuals and artists who went into exile, on the one hand, and their…
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9th Fenix Congress: Call for Papers
Call/Convocatoria 9th Fenix Congress Spanish Women on the Move (1939-1975) Mujeres españolas en movimiento (1939-1975): una responsabilidad intergeneracional El Congreso Mujeres españolas en movimiento (1939-1975): una responsabilidad intergeneracional se acerca a las representaciones literarias y fílmicas en torno a las respuestas de las mujeres españolas a los retos políticos y económicos de la dictadura franquista….
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8th Fenix Congress: Call for Papers
CALL – 8th FENIX CONGRESS Este congreso se enfoca en la configuración de espacios y comunidades transnacionales por mujeres de dos flujos exílicos emblemáticos a América Latina, el judío y el español. Dado que las hijas y nietas de exiliados han ocupado y ocupan un lugar fronterizo y marginal en ese espacio del exilio, proponemos…
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