Our Congresses
9th Fenix Congress
The 9th Congress (2022), Spanish Women on the Move: Intergenerational Responsibilities (1939-2022) zooms in on literary and filmic representations of Spanish women’s answers to the political and economic challenges of Franco’s dictatorship. We interpret ‘Women on the Move’ in two ways: women who resist the oppressive dictatorship inside Spain, on the one hand, and women who leave their homeland. The concept’s ambivalent meaning enables us to bring together the inxile resistance movement in Spain under the Franco regime (1939-1975), the political exile after the Spanish War (1939), and the intensive flow of Spanish emigration to foreign countries for economic reasons during the 1960s and early 1970s.
Usually, the study of these three groups of Spanish ‘Women on the Move’ takes place in separate scholarly circles, which entails that their specifities rather than their commonalities are examined. Instead, this congress brings together specialists from different fields to reflect on the characteristics shared by inxiled, exiled or migrated Spanish women. To this end, we focus on the concept of ‘responsibility’ (Nussbaum, Cruz). What defines, according to the cultural output, the responsibility of a ‘woman on the move’? How do literary texts and filmic material give shape to this idea of ‘responsibility’? The concept of responsibility makes it possible to establish a dialogue across different generations and between the underlying reasons for women’s movements.
Prof. Dr. María del Carmen Alfonso García (CIFEM, Universidad de Oviedo)
Prof. Dr. Diana Castilleja (Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles)
Prof. Dr. E. Helena Houvenaghel (Fenix: Network for Research on Female – Universiteit Utrecht)
Conferencias plenarias confirmadas:
Bibliografía básica
Bauman, Zygmunt (2016): Extraños llamando a la puerta. Barcelona: Paidós.
Cortina, Adela (2021): Ética cosmopolita. Una apuesta por la cordura en tiempos de pandemia. Barcelona: Paidós.
Cruz, Manuel (2005): Las malas pasadas del pasado. Identidad, responsabilidad, historia. Barcelona: Anagrama.
Houvenaghel, E. Helena, ed. (2020): Agencia y transnacionalismo: refugiadas españolas republicanas en tránsito en Francia. Impossibilia. Revista Internacional de Estudios Literarios, 20. (https://www.impossibilia.org/index.php/impossibilia/article/view/428)
Nussbaum, Martha C. (2020): La tradición cosmopolita. Un noble e imperfecto ideal. Barcelona: Paidós.
Serrano, Violeta (2020): Poder migrante. Por qué necesitas aliarte con lo que temes. Barcelona: Ariel.